Brand & Web Design for salt.

Growth Project

June 2021

As part of the Google UX Design course, we were tasked to design a website for a social cause. The website provides more information about charities to the general public to raise awareness and encourage action.

salt. is an attempt to remind people that doing good is fundamental to who we are as a society, and is as easy as building on existing efforts.

“How do I know if my money is going to the beneficiaries?”

The problem

When people think about donating to charities, one of the main concerns is if the donation is truly going to those in need. A dishonest history of mismanagement in large charity organisations have eroded the trust of the public, posing a huge barrier to charity. Without donations, non-profits can struggle to raise the awareness they need to expand their impact.

The idea

A informational website that highlights charities that are honest and truly making an impact in lives of the needy. By compiling content and information that are trustworthy, the site can rise in search rankings, allowing people to discover these causes easily and act immediately.

Brand design


Doing good is fundamental to who we are as social beings. Without kindness and charity, we would not have thrived as a species. Going with this idea, I wanted to use an element in nature that exudes strength and foundation - rocks.


While looking through the list of rocks, I found myself drawn to the simple and common salt. Its importance to human life cannot be overstated and I particularly like its abilities to transform and preserve. I chose this name because I believe charity work can be as simple, foundational, and common with long-lasting impact.

salt. Logo


I thought a deep purple and gold contrast brings depth, authenticity, and purity to brand. Since the work also highlights different causes, these colour are neutral enough to complement most colours, making them a functional choice too.

Website design

Digital Wireframes - Web Design for salt.

Digital wireframes

I am currently improving this project, hoping to bring it to build a live site out of this by June 2023.
Stay tuned!

Tools and skills

Layout and prototype - Figma

Illustration - Adobe Illustrator

Planning and project management - Notion


Graphic Design: A Trip into the Wild


Graphic Design: Free Will by Sam Harris